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Bath Bomb Recipe

Bath Bomb Recipe

Bath bombs are a treat for your bath - throw them in the water and they start to fizz away, slowly releasing fragrance and skin conditioners into the water. They're fun to use, and easy to make!


2 Cups - Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

1 Cup - Citric Acid

1/2 Cup - Corn Starch

Witch Hazel in a spritz bottle for wetting the mix

(The alcohol content in the witch hazel will allow the bath bombs to release from the molds more easily - just using water as the moisturizing agent would have the fizzer take hours to release from the molds.)


Bath Bomb, Neon or Mica powders for colouring

Fragrance Oils and/or Essential Oils for scent/aromatherapy properties


1. Place desired amount of bath bomb mix into bowl. It's easier to work in small batches, so only use enough for a couple of bath bombs at a time.

2. If desired, add your choice of colourant a bit at a time, to achieve desired colour.
Note: Colour will darken when witch hazel is added.

3. Add fragrance or essential oil, drops at a time, to achieve desired fragrance level.

4. Mist the witch hazel over the mixture several times, stirring vigorously with fork or fingers so that any colour or fragrance is well mixed.

Mist the witch hazel only as much as needed - the goal is to have the mix lightly moisturized so that it binds together when squeezed, but not so wet that it starts to fizz.

5. When it feels like the mix will clump together, press the mix into the molds. You want the mix to be tightly packed in the mold, so use your fingers. After waiting a minute you should be able to flip the mold over and bang it lightly on a flat surface to extract the bath fizzer from the mold.

6. After the bath fizzer is out of the mold, let it sit undisturbed for a couple of hours to fully dry.

Throw your bath bomb in the tub and let the fun begin!
Tips on Making Bath Bombs:
Here are some creative ideas to make your bath bombs unique:
  • Instantly give your bath bomb a distinct style by using a decorative soap mold.
  • Citric acid is an astringent which helps to make skin tight, sodium bicarbonate makes the bomb fizz, corn starch helps to create a smooth hard bath bomb, and Bioterge adds cleansing effects. Experiment by adding other beneficial skincare ingredients such as shea or cocoa butter, vitamin E oil, or avocado oil - but be aware that this will change the consistency and moisture of your mixture, so you'll have to experiment to get it right.
  • Try adding flower petals, herbs etc. Mix them into your recipe, or press them into your bath bombs as a finishing touch during step 5. Try wrapping the bath bombs in tulle or a muslin bag to keep the botanicals from sitting at the bottom of the tub and going down the drain.

Voyageur Soap & Candle Company Ltd. 

Telephone: 604-530-8979  Toll Free: 1-800-758-7773

NOTE: All recipes are provided for the use of the customers of Voyageur Soap & Candle Company Ltd. Their electronic or print reproduction is strictly forbidden. All formulas and recipes have been formulated by Voyageur but we accept no liability as to their effectiveness or the success of the formulas when being made. It is essential that good manufacturing practices are followed in their use, and it is the responsibility of the user to meet the appropriate regulatory requirements of their jurisdiction in all matters. All formulas remain the property of Voyageur, and their reproduction or redistribution is strictly forbidden without our written consent.  

March 12, 2016